They were inside a single enormous room of white marble that reached into the misty distance.
For something something huge seemed to be lumbering toward them from the misty distance.
Somewhere in the vague, misty distance she saw sharp nails descending toward her face.
Beyond lay the open sea, stretching to some point in the misty distance where horizon and sky became one.
If there's a road, one must travel it into the misty distances.
The machines were circling round her, small as flies in the misty distance.
It seemed great fun, at first, sailing along through the rain and watching the lightning flash in the misty distance.
Miss Yoshida was a barely seen stick figure in the misty distance.
She pointed to the north, to towers in the misty distance above the barren treetops.
Every so often, she would start abruptly, and peer into the gray, misty distance.