It looks like a mausoleum mistakenly delivered to an airport departure lounge.
Recently, they discussed their views on how to handle a vendor who had mistakenly delivered real rather than simulated wood and who was requesting an additional $200 to meet the cost.
Sometimes, she said, the future Prime Minister's mail was mistakenly delivered to her family's house.
The deciding straw was receiving a mistakenly delivered packet of galley proofs from one of Michael Horovitz's publishers.
One tale, set in 1871, involved a mistakenly delivered letter through which one woman received another one's dead son as a prize.
His father was struck by a car in Atlanta and mistakenly delivered to the section of a hospital that was reserved for whites only.
Encouraged by that experience, I took the opportunity afforded by a piece of mail mistakenly delivered to my house to ring the bell of a neighbor on the next block.
The family's festive dinner is sent to the wrong household and the wedding dress is mistakenly delivered to a different bride, who promptly wears it.
She took it to the ship's front desk, thinking it had been delivered mistakenly.
The package was mistakenly delivered to a Staten Island man who alerted police.