Another story, concerning the murder of a female student in the 1960s, has sometimes been mistakenly associated with Goodhouse.
Due to their seasonal nature, cluster headaches are often mistakenly associated with allergies or business stress.
He was at one time mistakenly associated with the family of printers of whom Thomas Bensley (d. 1833) was the chief representative.
The deep puddle of fat that's mistakenly associated with sauteing (and hence casts aspersions on its dietary wisdom) is also unnecessary.
The most well known and distinctive Sundanese dance are Jaipongan, a traditional social dance which usually but mistakenly associated with eroticism.
This symptom, sometimes mistakenly associated with bronchitis, could signal asthma, emphysema, tuberculosis, heart disease, a serious allergic reaction, or cancer.
CINDER is often mistakenly associated with Wikileaks in the media.
The lack of consensus on the definition of social entrepreneurship means that other disciplines are often confused with and mistakenly associated with social entrepreneurship.
The confusing title has been mistakenly associated with impressionism.
The term asphyxiation is often mistakenly associated with the strong desire to breathe that occurs if breathing is prevented.