In the mistaken opinion that the only obstacle to a reconciliation between Henry and the pope was the annulment issue, many observers initially believed that the rupture with Rome would be temporary.
I myself do not deny that the givers of names did really give them under the idea that all things were in motion and flux; which was their sincere but, I think, mistaken opinion.
Amyloid (based on an early mistaken opinion that these structures contained starch)
No denials of it, leading remarks and witticisms, all encouraging her to form a mistaken opinion.
He uses Saint Cyprian a great deal, though he refutes his mistaken opinion about baptism, and does not copy his easy style.
I'm glad McCain corrected my mistaken opinion on that.
Roast Beef Kazenzakis' given name is "Cassandra"; he was born intersexed, but it was the doctor's mistaken opinion that he would develop into a female.
At age 10 or so I desperately wanted to learn the piano but my parents wouldn't let me, I imagine from the mistaken opinion that I would find it too frustrating.
I think it is essential to clarify the question of funding of the strategy, so that mistaken opinions and false expectations do not arise among its potential beneficiaries.
In foreign affairs, he fostered closer ties with the Ottoman Empire, under the mistaken opinion that it would forestall European interference.