These missions generally orbit the points rather than occupy them directly.
Those duties and convoy-escort missions between the various islands of the Philippine archipelago occupied her time until early March 1945.
This mission occupied most of the year, Thompson organising the government of the colonies and taking measures for their defence.
That and similar missions occupied her mid-summer.
The mission and the church occupied two buildings that were two stories each.
Finding the mission occupied only by priests and civilians, Middleton brought his artillery out onto the ridge and began shelling the town.
This mission had occupied her attention 24/7 ever since Cretak's message had reached her from inside the Empire.
But a senior Hungarian official said that the missions would occupy separate buildings and be headed by seasoned diplomats.
A more recent mission with much harder memories occupied his mind, and it was time to finish that mission.
Your mission is to take out and occupy the Security troops' main command center in the Parade of the Endless.