The mission also aimed to establish a peace with the local populace so that a road could be safely built through the area by the Afghan government.
The mission also aimed to test fixes to the Falcon 9 rocket, particularly the unplanned roll of the first stage that occurred during Flight 1.
Founded in 1991, the mission aims to rescue kids from the streets and helping them to grow in a Christian family atmosphere.
The mission aims a study on improving the taste and nutritional quality of the meals consumed during a spaceflight.
The missions also aimed to pacify and Hispanicize the natives.
This mission aims to bring down female illiteracy by half of its present level.
Its mission aims to extend to society a model of life that corresponds with Christian truth which blends together faith and reason.
This mission aims to map the Milky Way with unprecedented precision.
The mission aims at the empowerment of women, through forming self-help groups and encouraging their entrepreneurial or other wide range of activities.
The mission also aimed to attack German U-boats in the harbour.