She filed a missing-person report immediately and filed for divorce two days later.
There was a missing-person report on her.
The chief wouldn't be up for an hour, and Hendricks wasn't anxious to wake him up for something as vague as a missing-person report.
Mr. McCoy's mother filed a missing-person report with the police on Saturday, saying she last saw her son on Friday.
The patient had been missing for days, and one of his sisters had filed a missing-person report with the police.
The Suffolk County police said last night that they were unaware of a missing-person report or an investigation, but that the district attorney's investigators might be involved.
His son, who is also named Robert and who works in his father's locksmith shop, then filed a missing-person report with the state police.
When Mr. Pascale called his friend and no one picked up the phone, he filed a missing-person report.
He wondered if a missing-person report was ever taken, if there was a mother or father or husband or child wondering all this time about her.
The cops get nothing but a missing-person report.