Sometimes, from the back of the bus, a player would supply the missing voice of Jacques: "Roger, when the heck are we going to get off this bus?"
But anyone who has struggled to find a missing voice in an object, an image or a work will appreciate Ms. Atkinson's clever cataloguing.
Rather than not play with her, They engage Pig in a fantasy game where they are detectives searching for Pig's missing voice.
At a secluded conclave here last week where embittered Soviet Generals, triumphant American policymakers and Polish resisters faced each other for the first time since they tried to outfox each in the early 80's, his was the key missing voice, and he might well have been upset at what was said about him.
But in a case such as this, when her best efforts- when any physician's best efforts- would likely be insufficient, nothing could adequately fill the silence left by a missing voice.
The missing voice at this year's Van Cliburn International Piano Competition made itself heard for the first time in the early hours of this morning from the stage of the Landreth Auditorium at Texas Christian University here.
From above threads there is a missing voice, the VOICE of SILENT SUFFERERS.
Glen Hansard assisted by directing the band to his voice coach who restored the missing voice.