Force enhancement provides weather, communications, intelligence, missile warning, and navigation.
To foster cooperation, the United States soon will propose additional initiatives in the area of ballistic missile early warning.
"Matter of fact, I was on the deck of a C-130 the other day, and we had a missile warning," General Abizaid said.
In addition, other collateral and contributing missile warning and research radars are used to support the surveillance mission.
On 1 December 1979 missile warning and space surveillance assets were transferred to Strategic Air Command.
Provides missile warning, missile defense, technical intelligence, satellite command and control, battlespace characterization and robust communications.
In addition, the satellites provide immediate, worldwide missile warning, space launch, and nuclear detonation detection.
The incoming missile warning was flashing, showing twenty-one seconds to impact.
Original version providing missile warning with IR detectors.
Radio to all vessels, missile warning, direct defensive fire on.