The missile shipment took place as officials in the Reagan Administration were being drawn deeper into an arrangement to swap American hostages for arms for Iran.
But having discovered the cargo, they let it go after Yemen declared the missile shipments legal under international law.
Imagine, American officials said, that spy satellites detect a North Korean missile shipment headed to Iran.
Cyprus had canceled a missile shipment after Turkey threatened attacks to prevent their deployment there.
The first missile shipments arrived here a few weeks ago.
From Pakistan, a fast-fading ally: new signs of missile shipments from China that have added to fears of the Pakistani nuclear threat.
The Administration is right to protest North Korea's missile shipments; they will inject new instability into an already unstable region.
The missile shipments were part of a 1980s licensing agreement between Egypt and North Korea.
It is possible that nuclear technology exports continued, as the intercepted North Korean missile shipment suggests.
"Was there any discussion about putting out a false theme or a false story about the missile shipment?"