Atmosphere roared out at once like a great river, and more missiles penetrated the hold to score direct hits on the streets of the city.
The missile penetrated completely through the patrol boat before it exploded.
The missile could not penetrate the battle armor, but it knocked Grwaed to his knees.
An antitank missile had penetrated the tank's rear corner, wounding the gunner.
If the plan worked, the missiles would penetrate two thousand kilometers into the cloud and jettison their weapons, which would explode simultaneously.
"One missile penetrated the enemy defenses," the briefer continued.
The missile penetrated the tank's armour, but in this instance it caused no injuries among its crew .
She is nearly invulnerable as bullets and other missiles cannot penetrate her extremely tough skin.
Only the occasional missile penetrated, but these were sufficient to bring death with the slightest wound.
Some missiles would penetrate the gaps between pickets, but not very many.