During this formative period, the work of these latter two organizations involved planning for missile operations and training.
The Russian Defense Ministry recently declassified documents from the "Anadyr" file (the code name for the Cuban missile operation).
The group trained and remained prepared for tactical missile operations.
As commander, General Myers was responsible for defending America through space and intercontinental ballistic missile operations.
"It was a spectacular launch," said Capt. Norma L. Payne, director of public affairs for missile operations at the base.
Hughes Electronics, for example, recently transferred missile operations from Southern California to Arizona and Colorado, shifting hundreds of jobs in the process.
On 14 May 1960 she departed from San Pedro, California for mid-Pacific missile operations out of Midway Island.
His initial assignments were in missile operations, missile maintenance and administration.
Ulka was established as a Naval Base to assist with missile operations.
A robust theater missile defense cell took part in the exercise by conducting anti-ballistic missile operations against a simulated attack.