The missile, known as the M-9, is still under development and may have been tested over the weekend, according to American intelligence reports.
These included early work by the Navy on a propelled missile, known as the Loon, to be launched from a submarine.
China has designed the world's first anti-ship ballistic missile, known as the DF-21D.
The missile, known as Shaheen II, has a range of 1,250 miles.
The armor can also fire a small tactical nuclear missile known as Terminax from a back-mounted launch tube.
Among these is a ballistic missile with a range of about 1,500 miles, known as the Agni.
The technology was created for the Israeli air-to-ground missile known as Popeye.
Short-range missiles, also known as tactical systems, have a range of less than 300 miles.
The Russian booster was a former military missile known as Start-1, named for the arms treaty that helped make it obsolete.
Both are believed to use the Soviet-made surface-to-surface missiles known as Scuds.