This missile installation will undoubtedly be first on the United States' target list.
"I was led to believe you wished to see me regarding the missile installations, sir."
His mission was to fly over the most sensitive Soviet missile installations and make himself a target.
During October, intelligence reports revealed evidence of Russian missile installations in Cuba.
Here, where geology and isolation create an ideal site for missile installations, nuclear missiles have been part of residents' lives since the late 1950's.
In most surface-to-air missile installations the cameras have been mounted in the nose telemetry bay.
Iran's long-range missile installations could also be targets of the initial American air campaign.
He leaned slightly toward him and said, "These are photographs of a missile installation, a very large one.
There is also a 21-page single-space annex on procedures for monitoring the agreement by carrying out the surprise visits at some missile installations.
In layout the missile installation appeared almost identical to what the planning imagery had shown.