When the missile approaches hostile territory, it would descend to an altitude of about 15-30m.
This system had the advantage that the radar signal continued to grow in strength as the missile approached the target, making it increasingly easy to track.
More importantly, the reflected signal was a cone shape centered on the target, so as the missile approached it the guidance became increasingly accurate.
This anti-ship missile has a range of 150+ km and approaches its target in sea skimming mode at a speed of Mach 1.5.
Such an anti-ship ballistic missile would approach its target extremely rapidly, making it very difficult to intercept.
A ballistic missile is fired into space and approaches its target as a free-falling object.
"According to the comp, the missile approached within a kilometer of the ship and is now over ten kilometers away and falling behind!"
Later, it was apparent that he was right: no missiles were approaching and the computer detection system was malfunctioning.
The second missile would approach the asteroid - piercing the radiation barrier at the point where the cargo rocket had exploded.
In contrast to beam riding, semi-active guidance becomes more accurate as the missile approaches the target.