Because of this, they felt he was sending misleading signals.
In the first, Pearl Harbor, a blizzard of misleading signals ("noise" in intelligence jargon) obscured the real target.
"We're seeing a rare period of very misleading signals from the trade data coming in."
So it is common practice to throw in a misleading signal now and then, hopefully when it won't matter to partner.
Nevertheless, the regulators contend in the documents that Mr. Bush's actions might have sent a misleading signal to other directors.
That would explain how and why the drone's misleading signals were still being routinely sent to theNimitz .
As said earlier, the KST can also give false or misleading signals, as you can see from the April 2005 buy signal.
Broad money was dropped as a target because it gave completely misleading signals during the 1979-81 recession.
But to begin his book about the technological enhancement of the human mind and body with this kind of gee-whiz gimmick would send a misleading signal.
I would put out misleading wireless signals, send false intelli- gence reports, dispose my troops in a misleading fashion.