"It was plain that there was wide acceptance of the deliberately misleading propaganda put out by the regime."
Being a former English instructor, Castle spoke out against misleading propaganda.
The presiding judge condemned Monsanto and called the advertisement "abusive and misleading propaganda."
Readers offer attention that brings advertising revenue not for misleading propaganda like this, but for information presented with the kind of journalistic integrity that usually characterizes Slate.
He said he had made the film as a rejoinder to what he called the misleading propaganda disseminated by the Government on television.
A full-scale rebellion broke out last week when one of New york's 32 local education boards was suspended for refusing to implement what it called 'dangerously misleading propaganda promoting homosexuality'.
A rational and constructive debate on animal research will only be possible if animal rights groups such as BUAV stop using misleading propaganda.
The President was allowed to unashamedly propound misleading political propaganda at the Johannesburg Summit.