I was irritated by all the twaddle being talked about energy and the misleading comparisons made.
Furthermore, these promotional activities included misleading comparisons with competitor pharmaceutical products and the deliberate pressuring of healthcare decision makers to make sure that the new Grünenthal product would be sold after registration.
"Measuring his first year to Pataki's last year, which was a big-blow-out year - that's a very misleading comparison."
When using pictogram in bar graphs, they should not be scaled uniformly as this creates a perceptually misleading comparison.
Her explanation of our Hanukkah candles, and her misleading comparison of them to Christmas lights, is almost as infuriating.
Intentionally misleading comparisons are becoming the dominant mode of public discourse.
It also makes a false and misleading comparison between the uprising of the Palestinians against Israeli military occupation and the reaction of Jordanians to the consequences of economic difficulties.
But the letters actually criticized the company for trying to play down Vioxx's heart risks and making misleading or false comparisons of Vioxx to other painkillers.
It is based on a misleading comparison with the solvents directive, where processes may involve high temperatures.
The professors argue that these reports make misleading comparisons among states by using raw, or unadjusted, S.A.T. scores.