Fortunately, many spirits on the other side are involved in rescuing these lost and misguided souls.
"The Oracle will not bring the rain," she told the misguided souls.
So it was your duty to God - and to them, poor misguided souls - to put them right.
He honestly believes that getting up before sunrise is a virme, poor misguided soul.
There is nothing so pitiable as a misguided soul.
The book is a ready reference for any misguided soul who wants to create a computer trivia game.
So far they're just a few misguided but well-meaning souls.
"There have been a few misguided souls who imagine themselves to be 'vampire slayers.'"
There may well be the misguided soul, here and there, who makes some profit from your great work.
But I say they're the same misguided souls who believe their children really enjoy salad.