Unfortunately there will be some who, under a misguided sense of loyalty, will make life difficult for this office.
Perhaps it sprang from a misguided sense of solidarity with fellow soldiers dying without an opportunity to defend themselves.
That was the useful thing with him: a human might answer such a question out of a misguided sense of bravado.
Chaos is posed against a determined though misguided sense of order.
Do they act from a misguided sense of kinship with North Korea?
Maybe it was from some sort of misguided sense of adventure; I don't know.
A misguided sense of duty had sent me to check out reports of violence.
I won't let you sleep longer than an hour out of a misguided sense of mercy.
"Cavenaugh, you don't have to go that far out of some misguided sense of responsibility."
Both of which you're putting in second place to some misguided sense of loyalty.