He has a mischievous nature, though his pranks are usually directed at bullies and villains.
Little is known about him beyond his great power and mischievous nature.
He has been around Spurrier long enough to know his playful, mischievous nature.
He has a mischievous nature and is often in trouble with his father.
She finally opted for a pop soul that is ideally suited to his mischievous nature.
He has a mischievous nature and makes fun of Max sometimes.
However he still retains much of his original mischievous nature.
He is ten years-old and has a mischievous nature.
Despite Rin's mischievous nature she has shown herself to care deeply for her friends and family, going to any length to defend them.
Unfortunately, Lionel's mischievous and restless nature leads him to convince his uncle to allow the entire party of children to go to a fair.