Kroll, the risk-management company, for example, offers to vet potential employees, advises companies on how to protect secrets and performs miscellaneous other services intended to reduce the risks clients face.
Type of business: Waste management, trucking, adult entertainment, commercial construction, corporate security, home-appliance sales, used-automobile exporting, commercial lending, miscellaneous personal financial services.
Lowlevel plugins, which provide miscellaneous services to the player core and are not categorized into any of the other plugins.
The balancing slower growth was supplied by the portmanteau of miscellaneous services.
There is also a $10 billion market for miscellaneous services like Yellow Pages directories.
He was also responsible for overseeing other miscellaneous service, such as the care of the nobleman's chapel and bed-chambers.
It provides trading, strategic and other miscellaneous services in these sectors.
There were no 'miscellaneous services.'
The second industry group comprises sectors companies that produce biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and miscellaneous scientific services.
Taxes are levied on corporations (25% on distributed and undistributed profits), trade income, real estate, inheritance, dividends, gifts, and several miscellaneous services and properties.