Fares range from $2,720 to $3,400 a person in double occupancy; port taxes and miscellaneous fees are $262.50 a person.
"Tuition," she frowned, "is twelve thousand dollars a year, plus housing, registration and miscellaneous fees."
And so the schools, which are not allowed to charge tuition, instead assess an ever-growing list of "miscellaneous fees."
The qualified applicants are accepted as scholars for a four-year course in mass communication, with free tuition and miscellaneous fees.
And, just as they do in their off-line businesses, some discounters attach miscellaneous fees to client transactions.
In separate action, the Conference responded to inflationary pressures by increasing, effective November 1, certain miscellaneous fees for federal courts.
The income the Judiciary receives through miscellaneous fees allows it to reduce its annual appropriations request to Congress.
Students who top the list will enjoy the benefits of free matriculation and miscellaneous fees for the semester.
Moveover, schools may optionally charge second-tier miscellaneous fees of up to the maximum of $6.50 per month.
Despite being part of the university's miscellaneous fees, the publication is being released only two to three times in an academic year.