Berat spilled the contents onto the table and sorted through the miscellaneous bits and pieces.
Keiko looked at the scattering of miniature electronic components, miscellaneous bits and pieces of metal, and assorted tools.
In smaller gardens almost any type of cover, including newspaper cones, miscellaneous bits of plastic, etc., can serve the same purpose.
There was a quantity of old lumber, miscellaneous bits of steel rails, battered tin pails, and crowbars, all piled in helter-skelter fashion.
I had the map spread out on the seat next to me, plus a steno pad I'd begun to use for phone numbers, addresses, and miscellaneous bits of information relating to the job.
Handkerchiefs and miscellaneous bits of paper were used to languidly fan perspiring faces.
Under Kerr also came several other miscellaneous bits and pieces including the couriers - the messenger-boys.
Yet their dances sometimes seemed unduly fragmented, an impression strengthened by the taped collages of miscellaneous bits of classical and contemporary music that served as accompaniments.
The VHS/DVD/Laserdisc version also omitted several shots of nudity from the film and other miscellaneous bits because of print damage.
Luckily for her, all those miscellaneous bits of incrimination had been lost along with the Bombay- Oh, bloody hell.