A man with a teenager's body cruised the scene on roller skates, wearing mirror sunglasses to hide the truth.
Sitting backward on a chair in front of him was a young man with lank straw-blond hair and mirror sunglasses.
Because Cable was wearing mirror sunglasses, Ben couldn't see the teenager's eyes.
The inside cover features a photograph of the band wearing mirror sunglasses and jeans with holes in them.
In the bright heat outside, Bolan put on his mirror sunglasses and holstered his gun.
He wore a denim jacket, mirror sunglasses, and no helmet.
Dorsey reached into his top pocket and pulled out a pair of blue mirror sunglasses.
Beside the car were two unshaven National Guardsmen in uniform and helmets, their eyes hidden behind mirror sunglasses.
The foredeck was deserted, except for a family of father, mother and daughter, all wearing mirror sunglasses.
To encourage interaction with local residents, they go bare-headed and are forbidden to wear mirror sunglasses.