His ruddy complexion miraculously changed to a muddy grey.
These statements, known as positive confessions, are said to miraculously change aspects of people's lives if spoken with faith.
Once capitalism was abolished, men's attitude toward women would change miraculously.
If you couldn't be bothered to listen to the electorate in the past, why should we believe that you will miraculously change.
Somehow, you seem to believe that human nature miraculously changed in 1992 and people started to worry more than they had before about their old age.
His face changed miraculously to a smile.
Colds would clear up more quickly, and flus would miraculously change into a heavy cold.
Then, after one incoherent drunk was helped out, the atmosphere miraculously changed.
His voice changed miraculously when he understood who was on the wire.
But we in the EU clung to the illusion that Lukashenko would miraculously change.