We'll soon know if the hawks' ambitious foreign policy experiment has a miraculous result, or an anarchic one.
In rare cases when nothing else works, miraculous results have sometimes come from a surgical procedure whose effectiveness cannot be explained.
Conversely, positive policies should not be abandoned because they do not show immediate miraculous results.
As long as miraculous results are demanded then teachers will find any way they can of producing them.
As long as league tables exist, heads will demand their teachers produce miraculous results.
Perhaps it had all been the result of blind chance, miraculous and fleeting, yet, could he flee now, with so little accomplished?
However, Yun continued his ministry while in prison, with more miraculous results.
What looks like financial colonialism is sold as the cure-all tested in Chile with miraculous results.
So let us not expect any miraculous results.
Again the shadowy faces bent over the videoscreens, especially the 10th one which showed the miraculous results of advanced technology.