Though surgery is drastic, the less drastic solution to obesity isn't a "miracle pill."
But they couldn't stop themselves from playing wonder worker and dispensing the miracle pills like confetti.
Several referred to it as a "miracle pill."
People are tired of just running around after the latest, greatest restaurant, the miracle pill, the therapy of the month.
The drugs were hailed earlier in the decade as miracle pills for obesity, as an alternative to pure diet and exercise.
The fringes include medical care, miracle pills and drugs, and everything else that the Center can provide to their own people.
In recent years, the dexfenfluramine and fenfluramine had been hailed as miracle pills for obesity.
She must be taking some kind of miracle pill that only works afternoons.
What's needed is not a search for "a new miracle pill," but a comprehensive education and behavior-modification effort.
Be sceptical about miracle pills or potions that claim to reduce weight.