In the book's most involving chapter, Mr. Adams goes to music camp, and - miracle of miracles - actually performs a simple piece in recital.
In these same chapters are details concerning the wars, violence and natural disasters in Enoch's day, and notable miracles performed by Enoch.
I was just thinking, Saul-and sighing-just thinking what miracles you would perform if God suddenly flashed within you and you saw the truth!
What miracles I will perform with the knife!
The miracles performed by Moses before Pharaoh.
"You saw the miracles of healing Mina performed," said Odila, her gaze clear and level.
It was a roaring burst of growing passion, and she kissed him hotly but with tenderness, and reached her hand down to his trousers, then freed her mouth to say, "Another medical miracle performed."
The Nakur Puranam, written by Kulam Katiru Navalar in 1893, describes the miracles performed by Shahul in the dargah after his death.
Whatever miracles he'd performed as The Shadow, he must have managed them in something less than ten minutes at a stretch.
'Also the miracles of the holy saints and their Mother in Heaven, the Blessed Virgin, as lately performed in French churches.'