These days it is operated by Silverline Travel and runs to an unusual 45 minute frequency.
The Centro guide states that Sundays operations run a steady 30 minute frequency on service 28/28E.
By the 1890s the whole fleet had been replaced by double decked cars operating at a 10 minute frequency.
These two services run to a combined 12 minute frequency.
There, they join trains bound for Victoria which are operated by Southern and that run at approximately three minute frequencies.
Services covering the whole line have a 12 minute frequency, and 18 minutes in weekends and public holidays.
Service 99 operates a 10 minute frequency during the day between St Andrews, Leuchars and Dundee.
Trains operate at 2 minute frequency during peak hours and 4 minute frequencies at other times.
Routes 41 and 41c are timed to operate between each other, giving a 10 minute frequency along most of the route.
During the morning and evening peak, trains to Walsall and Birmingham run at an increased 30 minute frequency.