And, she reminded herself, at least the thrusters' minuscule size gave them a much smaller danger zone than a full-size suit's.
The cloak was little more than a collar, shrunk to a minuscule size.
Considering its minuscule size and popularity, it is prudent to make reservations for dinner.
His power gone, he shrinks down to minuscule size, ending his evil reign.
More accurate sensors can often have minimum detectable objects of minuscule size.
This time, it is the parents who are reduced to minuscule size, and need to be rescued by their kids.
Despite his one-room apartment's minuscule size (518 square feet), he is a mega-host.
Sugar Man was seemingly destroyed; however he had lost most of his mass during the attack and had shrunk to a minuscule size.
The reason for their minuscule size remains something of a mystery.
The frenzied hordes of males follow, making visible black clouds despite their minuscule size.