However, it called the deletions a "minuscule" fraction of the original report.
Now those who pick five or fewer winning numbers reap only a minuscule fraction because of the bloated top award.
The $10 million is a minuscule fraction of the money the Federal Government will ultimately spend for hiring cleanup workers and other relief efforts.
Under its supervision, only a minuscule fraction of the loans it has arranged have gone sour.
Yet only a minuscule fraction of these ever become pests.
Only a minuscule fraction of the country has been surveyed for coal fires.
Considering that there are around 100 billion stars in the Milky Way, this is a minuscule fraction ( 0.000001%).
The Enterprise had managed to nudge its warp factor up by a minuscule fraction, but it would not be enough.
So the microwaves should be slightly hotter, by a minuscule fraction of a degree.
Only a minuscule fraction of all possible universes can end up harmonious.