The board wanted minority participation, job creation and a cultural component.
Race and research: perspectives on minority participation in health studies.
"And if the ideal was to promote minority participation in government, it's been a wash."
"Getting 5 percent is very ambitious, but we're already trying to think of creative things we can do to increase minority participation."
"Since the 1980's, we have seen a significant rise of minority participation on the job site, but not as much for women," he said.
They argued that such a policy would undermine minority participation in higher education.
Does this also have to do with low minority participation in newsrooms?
Through executive orders and the language of contracts, the city set a goal for minority participation.
Instead, he said, "We have a 7 percent goal of minority participation in projects entirely funded by state and local governments."
He is a prominent advocate of greater minority participation in the armed forces.