A vast majority of Indonesians are Muslims, but only a minority favors an Islamic state.
A minority among the Federal Reserve's policy makers favor this approach, including Martha Seger, a governor.
Some questions indicated indirectly that a significant minority, at least, would favor private ownership.
Only a small minority of Romanians favor restoration of the monarchy.
In employee surveys conducted by United management, only a small minority of the workers favored proceeding with an offer for USAir.
Everyone knows that, among the minority favoring the status quo, passion on this issue is strong, and I respect that.
Missouri remained in the Union although a minority favored secession (nearly three times more Missourians fought for the Union).
But a minority of the members of the 12-member Federal Open Market Committee initially favored a half-point increase, the minutes show.
"A minority favors it and most still oppose."
These same surveys also indicate that most African-Americans and other minorities favor integrated schools and neighborhoods.