For years, women and minorities never complained about discrimination; then came the women's movement and the civil rights struggle.
Religious minorities complain that they are effectively blocked from careers in state institutions because of their faith.
He also asserted that only a vocal minority was complaining.
The Hungarian minority in Rumania, about two million strong, complains of official suppression of its language and culture.
The bad news is that though a minority of traditionalists, including me, have complained, most of the City Opera audience seems to be accepting the new technology.
Ever since they captured international attention three decades ago, a curmudgeonly minority has complained about U2's music, frequently citing Bono's allegedly whiny voice.
The majority eventually ordained the men; the minority complained to the General Assembly and it was this complaint that would form the basis of the subsequent controversy.
Serbian and Croatian minorities complain they will not get a fair shake in the Muslim-majority state.
Young people and ethnic minorities have repeatedly complained about police harassment.
They don't much care what the minority complains about.