Through most of its length, the Patapsco is a minor river, flowing for the most part through a narrow valley.
There are also minor rivers: Wienerwald streams, all of which were bricked over in the 19th century.
Following this occupation, Mostar was transformed, in a matter of decades, from a minor river crossing to a thriving colonial crossroads.
Then around a bend, and suddenly the Charles was narrow, just a minor river surrounded by trees.
Ketu and Kurram are the two minor rivers which flow in the northern part of the agency.
The Dnister river is the major waterway in the region to where series of other minor rivers flow.
Several minor rivers rise on the southern slopes of Fforest Fawr.
It does however have three relatively minor rivers running through parts of the town.
Some minor navigable rivers may be classified as canals.
The Arno river and three other minor rivers flow through it.