You could die in battle, and you could die at the minor instance of the law, for cheating and stealing and concealing disease.
In New York and New Jersey, where the rains were lighter, there were only minor instances of flooding in streets and basements, the agency reported.
Only one minor instance of fan trouble was recorded, in Strasbourg around the West Germany vs. Portugal match.
It resulted in the formation of large camps of striking workers, and minor instances of sabotage and violence on both sides.
Let me just give you a few, in a sense, minor instances, but as you go through the litany it causes concern.
SERLING replies that throughout his career, he has acquiesced in only a few minor instances.
Thus Sweet Thursday was arguably a minor instance of the "supergroup" phenomena.
Apart from minor instances of updating only two of the class underwent extensive rebuilding.
Most of the remainder of the video is cut identically, other than several minor instances of alternate scenes or takes being used.
Although its author was a lifelong, unwavering Lutheran, it is a mass that is true in all but a couple of minor instances to the Roman Catholic liturgy.