Tight security Security was tightened soon after the blast and police reinforcements and interior ministry troops took up position around Red Square and the Kremlin.
A convoy of interior ministry troops also came under fire as it tried to reinforce federal and Chechen forces.
The airdrome belongs to the interior ministry troops of the Russian Federation.
Special interior ministry troops were then deployed.
On March 20, the Kyrgyz government deploys interior ministry troops to suppress civilian protests in Jalalabad and Osh because demonstrators took over government buildings.
On Sept. 3, Gen. Konstantin Morozov was appointed republican Defence Minister, and border troops and interior ministry troops were transferred to republican control.
On 25 May, Viktor Yushchenko ordered a decree, taking control over 40,000 interior ministry troops.
From December 1994 to January 1995 he was in charge of the activities of the Russian interior ministry troops in Chechnya.
Matters reached a critical stage when the demonstrators in central Tbilisi were attacked by interior ministry troops on the evening of 9 April 1989.
Russian army and interior ministry troops no longer occupy the streets.