At the heart of the current negotiations is what kind of power the cross-border ministerial council will have.
They said the issue would not be resolved before the Saturday deadline for setting up a new North-South ministerial council.
It is proposed to start the program at the ESA January 2008 ministerial council.
The office of prime minister, in turn, was given additional powers to appoint senior civil servants and diplomats, in consultation with the king's ministerial council.
In 1994, Weil became a member of the ministerial council of Lower Saxony.
The joint ministerial council is held approximately twice a year in spring and autumn.
It is the duty of the respective foreign ministers to prepare the ministerial council.
The ministerial council was given a seminar on mainstreaming, at which planning requirements in all the individual political areas were explained.
As part of the overall settlement there will be a North-South ministerial council which will seek to build greater cooperation than already exists.
In mid-June the executive council was renamed the ministerial council and 15 policy committees were set up.