Later, the minister withdrew his statement.
In the former case the minister withdrew the Gas Board's right of permitted development, and planning permission for the gasholder was refused.
She said the talks were not going well and that ministers should withdraw their "diktat" on increasing pension contributions.
Two ministers withdrew to form the Southern Presbyterian Church in 1986.
So the minister, and the physician with him, withdrew again within the limits of what their church defined as orthodox.
By the time the commission issued its report, Diefenbaker and other former ministers had long since withdrawn their counsel from the proceedings.
The senior minister withdrew to a new chapel in nearby Halifax Place.
Malu gets engaged to a state minister, but the minister withdraws from the relation as Anjooran intervenes and threatens him of political consequences.
This church maintained an interracial identity until 1924 when the white ministers withdrew to form the Pentecostal Church, Incorporated.
Despite public indignation, the minister has never withdrawn his very worrying assertions.