Many ministers travel around the nation and across the globe under the apostolic umbrella of Bethel, spreading the gospel.
In the last year, nine British ministers have traveled here.
Yet the fear is that ministers will travel to Qatar with too many such disputes left wide open.
The bullets struck the compartment in which the minister was traveling on the outskirts of Bucharest, the family said.
It was away from the heat of Paris, yet close enough to enable the ministers to travel there without difficulty for the twice weekly Council meetings.
Later that year, the minister traveled to the United States and several western European countries to ask for financial assistance.
Scotland's first minister would travel 40 miles from Edinburgh for this?
I invite all ministers to travel, together with myself, between Stockholm and Brussels under the conditions that apply to the transport of animals.
France announced that its foreign minister, Alain Juppé, would travel there this weekend.
The minister traveled from Mauckport, about seven miles to the southwest, to conduct services.