Her ministers have threatened to impose a state of emergency on the province.
This morning's news will be a shock to those used to hearing British prime ministers threaten a veto but never use it.
Iraq's minister of information threatened today to treat American prisoners of war as "war criminals."
The Viceroy's ministers are shocked by his profligacy, and threaten to depose him.
If voluntary codes of conduct fail to do enough to protect children, ministers are threatening to legislate and impose new laws.
The minister repeatedly threatened the channel with a judicial lawsuit, when the riporters asked about his sons' charge.
European ministers have threatened sanctions against Zimbabwe if political conditions do not improve.
The ministers did threaten unspecified action if either side took offensive action or refused to resume talks.
The prime minister can threaten to recommend a dissolution if he or she does not receive the necessary support to get a measure through.
During this time believers were harassed, churches closed, ministers threatened, and educational work prohibited.