But ministers will show that they have listened to Hutton who wrote on page 190 of his final report:
Now middle-aged with children of their own, they can be coaxed back, he said, if a minister shows them Scripture's relevance to their lives.
He added: "We're very pleased that ministers are showing renewed interest."
A similar determination which our prime minister, however ghastly her manner, showed in trying to restore this country to health throughout the 1980s.
The prime minister showed that David Miliband is turning into a very helpful prop when he said:
Then the minister, taking out a pocket-knife, showed it to Silas, and asked him if he knew where he had left that knife?
No Canadian prime minister since at least 1980 has shown this trait.
And posing with Bungo the dog, the new minister showed he's willing to work with both children and animals.
Twenty-five ministers, proud of their national film industries, accompanied by young, well-known producers, showed the world how much importance they attach to the cinema.
It is high time the foreign ministers showed leadership here.