Baker is the rising star of government, regarded a future prime minister, who is closely controlled by his urbane, manipulative American press secretary Elliot McQueen (Barry Foster).
Even in 1981 this occurred, to some extent, with the president's budgetary plans being modified to a degree that a British prime minister would regard as wholly intolerable.
But many ministers regard the House as a drag.
A retired Unitarian minister, Mr. Fulghum regards the work as expressing a "sense of affirmation."
Jim Bulpitt argues that an abiding interest of Conservative leaders has been the protection of the autonomy of the central government in matters which ministers regard as 'high politics', such as defence, foreign affairs, and national economic policy.
It was clear that the Buddhists would stage some kind of protest against Ky and Thieu, and the prime minister regarded the Buddhist activists as traitors, so he welcomed confrontation as an opportunity to break their influence.
Cotton had been a mentor to Hutchinson, and the colony's other ministers regarded him and his parishioners with suspicion because of their belief in the covenant of grace as opposed to the preparationist views of the majority of divines.
North Down Conservatives urge Sir Patrick and his colleagues to treat the Unionists, SDLP and Alliance in the same vein as ministers regard Labour and the Liberal Democrats in Britain.
Israel's first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, regarded Marcus very highly, saying "He was the best man we had."
Downing Street sources said the prime minister regarded the idea as excellent, and discussions have been held with Portsmouth city council for the yacht to be berthed in the south coast port.