The minister has recognized this by retaining the block grant for physics and chemistry.
But he added that ministers recognised not all regions could be treated in the same way.
And Mr Widmer explained: 'I think the minister will recognise that fact.
But, as he came down the pulpit steps, the grey-bearded sexton met him, holding up a black glove, which the minister recognised as his own.
Now the prime minister recognizes the need.
To achieve that goal, the ministers recognized that "political decisions to overcome major existing differences are needed by all participants without delay."
I hope that the minister for education recognises this and will become a vocal champion for libraries and library services.
By June 1917, the government that recognized the Rifles fell, and the new prime minister and cabinet would not recognize them.
Sometimes the laird or the minister recognised this need and a literary society was formed.
The ministers themselves recognized, last December in Singapore, that the less developed countries needed special rules.