But Iraqi ministers who met with reporters today protested, in effect, that it is America that is in denial, not Mr. Hussein and his associates.
The Israeli prime minister, Ehud Barak, has protested assertions by the Hezbollah, or Party of God, guerrillas that Israel was being chased out.
These two ministers and three others (Robert Marshall, John Dunlavy, and Barton W. Stone) protested the proceedings and withdrew from the jurisdiction of the Synod.
Since many of those killed were Italian citizens the Italian minister, Saverio Fava, protested to Blaine.
"There are loudspeakers that shake the world," the minister protested.
But a scheduled meeting was called off after leftist ministers protested loudly.
Even the prime minister protested at that, but it was finally accomplished.
"If he has to fly back to Xingu he may well kill everyone on board," the minister protested.
"This contradicts what we preach," protested one minister.
As a result, the ministers became increasingly frustrated and disillusioned about their posts, and protested in different forms of what is essentially an imperial strike.