Muslim leaders - Indonesia has more Muslims than any other country - retired generals and former ministers have joined the calls for a Presidential transition.
Several ministers and pastors have since then joined this group.
Chicago-area merchants, educators, bankers, ministers and labor officials joined them as charter members.
The minister later joined those who walked across the street to the locked campus center and yelled to be allowed inside.
Though the case is complex and the minister has joined the Anglican communion, the elements of the case at the time are quite significant.
Six ministers of the white Dutch Reformed Church also joined the protests.
Several provincial deputies and former provincial ministers joined the team.
The minister, eager as always for a concert, joined in with a Korean flute.
As a result of negotiations, on May 5 (18) agreement was reached and 6 socialist ministers joined the cabinet.
In early November 2011, several ministers joined or rejoined the Opposition, ultimately bringing down the government.