The current minister has not indicated whether this proposal remains supported.
On Wednesday, the prime minister indicated - to no one's surprise - that his government thought the pre-eminent one should be making money.
Some Israeli ministers, however, indicated today that the Cabinet would not reverse the deportation decision.
Though the minister did not indicate the number of troops that would be sent, he estimated that the operation would cost about $4 billion.
Mr. Maliki's statement on an international meeting was the first time the prime minister had indicated that he wanted a wider regional discussion.
We are therefore thankful that, in Paris, the 22 agricultural ministers have clearly indicated where it should be heading.
This, at least, is what the minister indicated that it would do at today's meeting of the committee.
The federal minister indicated support for National Heritage listing, however the question of site boundaries and management strategies was still under negotiation.
The prime minister has not indicated where he would draw the boundary.
Its minister indicated it would appeal the case.