The ministers hoped the package would be passed by the newly elected National Council while the new government was being formed.
Chris Riddell on how the prime minister hopes to cure the 'broken society'
Overall, ministers hope to see a drop in the proportion of adults smoking to 18.5% or less by the end of 2015 (from 21.2% at present).
Last year there was a 36% reduction in the area of straw burnt, and ministers hope many more growers will stop burning.
But the ministers do hope that the discussions can teach them something about what each of them has done right, and wrong, in confronting the jobs question.
By doing so, the prime minister hopes to calm the public and investors, who are unsure which banks stand the best chance of surviving.
Some ministers hope to build a national consensus for removing the Jews from here, but they are still far from that goal.
He enters more homes, chats with more people every weekday in the year than any minister could ever hope to do.
The minister hopes that this order will become applicable as soon as possible.
The prime minister hopes to improve the country's economy before elections in 2004.