As ministers have emphasised, contracts should deal with quality of care as well as quantity and cost.
Already ministers emphasise an ever shrinking role for the state, with jobs being cut, pensions slashed and the public asked to take more risk.
Toward this end, the ministers emphasised the need to formulate people-centric policies which would ensure equitable development.
The prime minister also emphasized that Iraqi forces "are ready" to assume responsibility for the country's security.
The minister emphasised the word midday as clearly as he could.
The government will take two more months before making the program official, and ministers emphasized that it merely outlined general goals.
But, in contrast to the nationalist language often used by his predecessor, the new minister emphasized the need to improve relations with the international banking community.
The prime minister emphasised the importance of strengthening respect for human rights in Bahrain.
The prime minister emphasized that not all of the savings would go to deficit reduction.
The prime ministers also emphasise the need for high levels of employment.